On World Book, young people are invited to design their very own gift card to be in with a chance of winning money to spend on books, and bookshop visit for your class.
National Book Tokens’ annual DESIGN A NATIONAL BOOK TOKEN competition is back, inviting children of all ages to get creative and share their love for books and reading by designing their own fabulous gift cards!
The winning entrants will receive HUNDREDS of pounds worth of National Book Tokens for their schools and themselves. PLUS the overall winner will get a £10/€12 National Book Token in their winning design for every child in their class… and the opportunity to spend them in a visit to a local bookshop!
This year’s theme is ‘Read Your Way’. Every reader is different, and there’s no right or wrong way to enjoy reading. Encourage children to think about what reading looks like for them, and what it can look like for others – see our tips below for starting conversations about this in class.
To enter, children should design a National Book Tokens gift card with this theme in mind – and thinking about what might make someone want to buy their gift card if it was on display in a real shop. A panel of judges will select a winner and runner-up in each of three age categories: up to 8 years, 9-12 years and 13-16 years.
ONE OVERALL WINNER (chosen from the three first prize winners) will win:
a £10 National Book Token for every child in their class,* featuring their winning design – plus the opportunity to visit a bookshop, in person or virtually, to support them in choosing which books to buy with their prizes!
FIRST PRIZE in each age range wins:
£350 National Book Tokens for the school
£100 National Book Tokens for the pupil
SECOND PRIZE in each age range wins:
£200 National Book Tokens for the school
£50 National Book Tokens for the pupil
(*Up to 35 gift cards; see terms and conditions for home-schooled students)
All entries should be produced on A4 paper using the template.Please ensure you provide the child’s name and age, and your contact details, on the second page of the form.
Please send entries to:World Book Day Design a National Book Token Competition Book Tokens Ltd. 6 Bell Yard, London. WC2A 2JR
If you’re unable to post your entry, please complete the online form for the relevant age range – click to download: up to 8 years, 9-12 years, or 13-16 years.
As well as teachers, the competition is open to home-schooled children and, if you’re a parent or guardian, you’re welcome to submit your child’s entry individually. Click here to read the terms and conditions.
The closing date for entries is Sunday 7th April 2024. Winners will be announced in May 2024.
Discuss what you like to read and why – how is this different from what your family or friends enjoy reading? Why do we all enjoy different types of book? How do you choose what to read next, and does it feel different when you choose a book, compared to when someone chooses it for you?
Discuss where you like to read: can you read anywhere, or do you need somewhere quiet without distraction?
Discuss how you like to read? Do you prefer reading aloud, reading in your head, listening to audiobooks or hearing stories being read to you?
Discuss when you like to read: is it the perfect lunchtime break, or do you like to wind down with a book at bedtime?
Discuss why you enjoy reading – do you like to feel entertained, or do you like to feel like you’re learning something? Do you like to talk to your friends and family about what you read?
Discuss why someone might give a gift card as a present – would you choose this design to give to a friend?
Remember, you’re not designing a £1 World Book Day book token, but a National Book Tokens gift card, which you would give to someone as a present!
National Book Tokens have been inspiring booklovers since 1932. We work with our charity partners at World Book Day, Book Aid International and Read for Good – and through the thousands of people who give National Book Tokens as gifts and rewards to children and young adults each year – to encourage a lifelong love of reading among children everywhere.
Accepted in hundreds of bookshops across the UK and Ireland, and online with bookshops big and small, National Book Tokens are the perfect way to reward and inspire. Find out more.
Information and photographs via www.worldbookday.com